Problem visualizing decimals in Grafana Table

I have a very easy table with one time field and one numeric field.
The data source is MS SQL Server.
The query is:

CAST(D.[ValueInt] as float)/10 as Val
[HPF].[dbo].[CycleData] AS D
Time = (Select MAX(Time) FROM CycleData) AND
D.VariableName = ‘Var_ActualPressure’

The ValueInt field is an int with value 1541, but they are decimals, so I would show 154.1.
If I run the generated SQL with SQL server is correctly displays “154.1”
In a Grafana table this query only displays me “154”
If I substitute in Grafana “/10” with “/100” it shows me “15.4”, so it does not seem a “number of decimals” problem.
I have tried to raise the “standard options → decimal” to 2 but to no avail.

Thank you very much

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Hi @matteodt

Can you share your raw query from the inspect drawer inside the panel dropdown? I’d be interested to see the raw response from the sql server

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Sorry for the delay,
The raw query is the following:

DATEDIFF(second, ‘1970-01-01’, [Time]) AS time,
CAST(D.[ValueInt] as float)/10 as Val
[HPF].[dbo].[CycleData] AS D
Time = (Select MAX(Time) FROM CycleData) AND
D.VariableName = ‘Var_ActualPressure’

And the value of 131.7al is correct, 131.7

On Grafana is “131”.

thanks for the awesome information.

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