We have a Prometheus and Grafana server on our Company. We have see that the Prometheus server scrape a lot of metrics (from the windows exporter default installation). We need to reduce the metrics that it colect. i have try to find some aswer but it’s not really clear. did someone can tell how to define the metric to collect on the Prometheus server. We use YML config file and JSON files to define the targets.
We use the Exe file windows_exporter but i don’t think they use a config file to the installation on this host. Or you talk about the YML files on the prometheus server?
Thanks for your reply. As i see the windows exporter we use only collect default collector.
Can you tell me if you have more explanation to write the config files.
Hello i have already resd this document. But i don’t know how to collect only metrics from a specific collector.
For example i just need to expose the windows_cpu_time_total from the CPU collector.
How can i do this? did i have to use a config file when we install the windows exporter or did we have to do his on the prometheus server?