I recently upgraded to the latest version 6 from version 5, not sure anymore which subversion of that. However I am running into a really strange problem. Sometimes graphs for which I know there is new data, won’t update. Then when I change the time picker, it does, even though for example initially the window is for example 2 days, and I get “data outside time range”, and then I go down to 24h, and all of a sudden there is data in the graph! The same effect can be seen when just changing the “To” field to a different offset, for example changing it from “now-10m” to “now-9m” will make the graph show data again.
Here you can see that there’s this error on the 24h window:
It’s driving me absolutely nuts as I don’t see any errors anywhere, it’s more or less the same on all browsers. But it is totally random it seems. Sometimes it happens, somtimes it doesn’t, and on different graphs using similar data sources it’s also mixed results. I’m using Influx 1.7.9 on Ubuntu 16.
You say it is random, do you mean that on the example you gave that if you switch backwards and forwards between the 24 and 12 hour ranges that sometimes it shows on the 24 hour range and sometimes it doesn’t or as you switch backwards and forwards it never shows on 24 hours, but if you do the same at another time it will always show on the 24 hours range?
Actually no, in the example above, switching between the two ranges keeps giving the same result. But I just found out that I am getting the same problem on a completely different install on another server. What I mean by random is that for example 2 graphs that come out of the same data source, side by side on the same dashboard, would sometimes have one of the graphs show okay, and the other would be cut off at some time in the past.
I’ve just made some progress, I believe. I have cleared all browser data from one browser I was using (Safari) and that has made the problem go away for now. Is there a toggle to make the browser be less smart about local caching here?
It’s very consistent on this graph. Setting the window to 2d shows “data outside time range” and then setting it to 24h shows the data as there is in the influxdb.
I just upgraded to 7.0.5 and the problem is the same. When I look at the query inspector after a roll over into a new 5m period (I’m grouping per 5m) and run a refresh I don’t see the new data show up in the result objects. However when I run the query by hand on the InfluxDB CLI I get the right results.
And as usual, when I change the time picker to a slightly different time frame, it does retrieve the latest data.
As you can see the influx CLI yields data past ‘139035’ while it’s not showing anything past that value in Grafana, no matter how often I press “refresh”. Only changing the time picker to another window size will somehow force a true reload for fresh data from influxdb.
I also just turned on query logging in influxdb, and I indeed see no queries from Grafana when the graph isn’t being updated, but I do see them when I change the time picker.
I just found that if I set the “Time Shift” field in the query options in Grafana to “0h”, that Grafana does query every time upon a reload. Like so:
this smells like a bug to me. Why would it work when it’s set to “0h” and not when it defaults to “1h”? Why does it default to that anyway?
As a global workaround, is it possible to set this “Time shift” option for the datasource by default? I only see this option for the data source for each graph individually.
Hi, i have exactly the same issue!
In my case sometimes i see the data, sometimes i see “Data outside time range”.
When i try to play around the query params, like reduce the Interval to 1d, then i mostly got exception:
"reason": "Trying to create too many buckets. Must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [10005]. This limit can be set by changing the [search.max_buckets] cluster level setting.",
no matter what Interval i select - 15s, 1m, 1h, 1d etc…
but, sometimes the dashboard work, sometimes i have to change interval to 1h and then it shows data.