Regex value mapping not working

I want to change the color of cell according to the status ,here its “PASSED”
After “,” there can be any other string.
Example - PASSED, BLD_POLARIS_DEV_LATEST_20230524_015103
Is my regex correct?

Hi @dakshagarwal886,

Thanks for opening this post.

I am also not a wizard with regex :slight_smile: but try to put a dot “.” i.e.


I tested this one using the regex101 website.

Grafana actually uses Go programming language for the backend and to parse the Regex need also to be in the same flavor.

I hope this helps.

Hey @usman.ahmad
So I’m using it on a field I created using transform (all values in a matrix) on two fields
I am using the new transformed as value in my esnet matrix
I want the square to show status color according to the first element (example - “PASSED”, “STOPPED”,… etc)
I tried your regex but its reflecting into the esnet matrix
Can you suggest some other way?

I would need either access to your Dashboard to view it and try it out


You need to provide the step-by-step instructions so that can also try to reproduce it on a test machine?


I have two field as
Field 1 : State which conatins “PASSED”,“FAILED”,…etc
Field 2 : Labels like “BLD_POLARIS_DEV_LATEST_20230524_015103”,…etc
I am using transfrom for these two fields

  • ADD field for calculation
  • Mode - Reduce Rows
  • calculation - All Values
    This creates a ALL Values field
    I am using that in Value for esnet matrix
    where X n Y axis are other 2 fields
    Can I show Color according to State like"PASSED" is green

So normally you can but your use-case involves transformations.

Can you please try to reproduce this same issue on and then share the dashboard link so that we can view it?

Asking again because its more easier to view it as I simply cannot recreate first and then reproduce it with your above steps
