Hi there, I’m using the plugin Graph Compare Panel to always show the comparison on my graphs, but the problem is that the timeshift is fixed, pre-defined, it’s not context-based.
By default, my dashboard is set for the last 14 days, so I set the comparisons for the previous 14 days, but if the user changes the dashboard for the last 30 days, the comparison is not taking the previous 30 days in consideration.
CURRENT: 15-Jan to 30-Jan compares with 01-Jan to 14-Jan
01-Jan to 30-Jan compares with 15-Dec to 14-Jan (fixed -14 days)
DESIRED: 15-Jan to 30-Jan compares with 01-Jan to 14-Jan
01-Jan to 30-Jan compares with 01-Dec to 30-Dec (relative)
Is there a way to do so?