Replacing bar chart made with old graph panel by a newer panel

I have the following data on a Elasticsearch datasource:

| environment | deployments | hasLiveness | hasReadiness | date                |
| foo         | 5           | 3           | 3            | 2023-04-05 08:08:34 |
| bar         | 1           | 1           | 1            | 2023-04-05 08:08:34 |
| xyz         | 2           | 1           | 0            | 2023-04-05 08:08:34 |

I need to show this information in bar chart format, like below:

Using the old graph panel, I used the following three queries and it worked:

A: date:[now-1d TO now]
Metric: sum => deployments
Group by: date histogram => date

B: date:[now-1d TO now]
Metric: sum => hasLiveness
Group by: date histogram => date

C: date:[now-1d TO now]
Metric: sum => hasReadiness
Group by: date histogram => date

I’m trying to use a newer panel since the graph panel is deprecated. I immediately thought of the Bar Chart panel, but it needs a string field. So I figured I need to transform the data somehow, but couldn’t figure out how.

Or is there another panel that could achieve what I want?

I’d appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance!

I was using the wrong panel. It should be “Bar Gauge”. Then in the “Calculation” field, select “Total” as the reducer function.