Hi - I’m currently using Grafana v6.2 and InfluxDB to generate alerts, via the table visualisation and the following InfluxDB query seen below.
Is there a way to schedule alerts, such as Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm?
Can either the table visualisation or query be refined to filter on the given timeframe.
SELECT distinct(“count”) as “t_request_count” FROM “http_server_requests”
WHERE (“uri” = ‘/’ AND “status” = ‘200’ AND “eks” = ‘dev-cluster’) AND $timeFilter
GROUP BY “application” fill(null)
So after some more digging around it now possible to filter by a time range and then subfilter time into the most recent 5 minute interval.
SELECT distinct(“count”) as “t_request_count” FROM “http_server_requests”
WHERE (“uri” = ‘/’ AND “status” = ‘200’ AND “eks” = ‘dev-cluster’) AND time >= ‘2020-06-22T09:00:00Z’ AND time < ‘2020-06-22T17:00:00Z’ AND time > NOW() - 5m
GROUP BY “application” fill(null)
Is it possible to set the timestamps via a variable?
I am also having the same requirement. It would be very nice if grafana alerts can have a cron schedule.