For my future tests, I will need to use an insecure request (using http without ssl), do you know if there is a parameter to add to accept this context during the test.
I will use K6 Cloud
My script will be for the moment the following
import { sleep } from "k6";
import http from "k6/http";
export const options = {
ext: {
loadimpact: {
distribution: {
"amazon:fr:paris": { loadZone: "amazon:fr:paris", percent: 100 },
userAgent: 'MyProjectUserAgent/1.0',
stages: [
{ target: 35, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 35, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 70, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 70, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 105, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 105, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 140, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 140, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 175, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 175, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 210, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 210, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 245, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 245, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 280, duration: "2m" },
{ target: 280, duration: "5m" },
{ target: 0, duration: "2m" }
thresholds: { http_req_duration: ["p(99)<=2100"] },
export default function main() {
let response;
// my domain
response = http.get(
// Automatically added sleep
Thank you in advance for your feedback