I’m using the elasticsearch-monitoring dashboard (Elasticsearch Monitoring based on X-Pack stats dashboard for Grafana | Grafana Labs) but I’ve noticed an issue with it.
When multiple cluster monitoring stats are shipped to a single monitoring node, the grafana dashboard picks up the fact that there are multiple clusters, but the Cluster Overview panel lists duplicate data (see here as an example: Elasticsearch-monitoring - Duplicate data when multiple clusters are writing monitoring data · Issue #4 · crab86/grafana-plei · GitHub)
I want to fix this, but I’m unsure of how to do it.
The targets are set as:
"targets": [
"bucketAggs": [],
"metrics": [
"field": "select field",
"id": "1",
"meta": {},
"settings": {
"size": 5
"type": "raw_document"
"query": "cluster_stats AND cluster_uuid:$Cluster_UUID",
"refId": "A",
"timeField": "timestamp"
I want to make sure that the records coming back are unique in terms of cluster_uuid or cluster_name.
Does anyone know how I would change the query to make that work?