i want to run a simple prototype with Grafana Tempo (Grafana Cloud). Ideally i would like to use the Opentelemetry SDK on node.js and export Traces/Spans directly from application level to Tempo. But it does not work so far, so therefore i would like to see if there is a simple way through http to send a sample trace.
Is there any simple sample how a curl / postmen request to tempo should look like? Then i should be able to instrument and export my app.
I finally figured out what went wrong with the GRPC case and node.js grpc exporter sdk. It does not support headers, you have to use environment variables (process.env.OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS) in order to forward them.
Some example for the community, i saw some have been struggling with the same issue. This worked for me. Side note, the library batches/queues request, so you have to create a bit more traffic (in case you just prototype, like i did).