What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Linux version 5.15.93-rockchip64 (armbian)
Grafana v9.2.4 -
What are you trying to achieve?
Display Influx time series as stacked bars -
How are you trying to achieve it?
Using the time series panel with this query:
fields = ["chaudiere", "cumulus", "VMC", "garage", "piscine"]
from(bucket: "iota-autogen")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "energy")
|> filter(fn: (r) => contains(value: r._field, set: fields))
|> drop(columns: ["device"])
|> fill(value: 0.0)
|> aggregateWindow(every: ${kWh_interval}, fn: sum )
- What happened?
When selecting Style: “Bars” and Stack series: “Normal” in the panel options, one of the series (cumulus) disappears. Its points are there, its tooltip works, but there is no visible bar.
When using Stack series: Off or 100% the display is as expected
What did you expect to happen?
I expected to get all series displayed a color-filled bars, stacked. -
Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
"datasource": {
"uid": "TNIAL2DVz",
"type": "influxdb"
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"custom": {
"drawStyle": "bars",
"lineInterpolation": "stepBefore",
"barAlignment": 0,
"lineWidth": 2,
"fillOpacity": 100,
"gradientMode": "none",
"spanNulls": false,
"showPoints": "auto",
"pointSize": 5,
"stacking": {
"mode": "normal",
"group": "A"
"axisPlacement": "auto",
"axisLabel": "",
"axisColorMode": "text",
"scaleDistribution": {
"type": "linear"
"axisCenteredZero": false,
"hideFrom": {
"tooltip": false,
"viz": false,
"legend": false
"thresholdsStyle": {
"mode": "off"
"color": {
"mode": "palette-classic"
"mappings": [],
"thresholds": {
"mode": "absolute",
"steps": [
"color": "green",
"value": null
"color": "red",
"value": 80
"links": [],
"min": 0,
"unit": "kwatth"
"overrides": [
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "VMC"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "orange",
"mode": "fixed"
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "chaudiere"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "rgb(138, 67, 68)",
"mode": "fixed"
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "garage"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "rgb(143, 143, 143)",
"mode": "fixed"
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "piscine"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "semi-dark-blue",
"mode": "fixed"
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "cumulus energy"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "transparent",
"mode": "fixed"
"matcher": {
"id": "byName",
"options": "cumulus"
"properties": [
"id": "color",
"value": {
"fixedColor": "dark-red",
"mode": "fixed"
"gridPos": {
"h": 7,
"w": 11,
"x": 11,
"y": 14
"id": 9,
"interval": "30m",
"options": {
"tooltip": {
"mode": "single",
"sort": "none"
"legend": {
"showLegend": true,
"displayMode": "list",
"placement": "bottom",
"calcs": []
"pluginVersion": "9.2.3",
"targets": [
"datasource": {
"type": "influxdb",
"uid": "TNIAL2DVz"
"alias": "$col",
"groupBy": [
"params": [
"type": "time"
"params": [
"type": "fill"
"orderByTime": "ASC",
"policy": "default",
"query": "fields = [\"chaudiere\", \"cumulus\", \"VMC\", \"garage\", \"piscine\"]\n\nfrom(bucket: \"iota-autogen\")\n |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)\n |> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"energy\")\n |> filter(fn: (r) => contains(value: r._field, set: fields))\n |> drop(columns: [\"device\"])\n |> fill(value: 0.0)\n |> aggregateWindow(every: ${kWh_interval}, fn: sum )\n",
"rawQuery": true,
"refId": "A",
"resultFormat": "time_series",
"select": [
"params": [
"type": "field"
"params": [],
"type": "mean"
"tags": []
"title": "Infrastructure",
"transformations": [],
"type": "timeseries"
Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us No errors in the logs
Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?