Hi Team,
Can we transfer files to the SFTP server using k6 scripting?
Hi Team,
Can we transfer files to the SFTP server using k6 scripting?
Hi @Sreenivas
Thanks for raising the question.
If you are asking for support to load test an SFTP server, this is not natively supported. I would suggest you add your interest to the existing issue to support SFTP in k6 core: Support for more protocols · Issue #1667 · grafana/k6 · GitHub. And you can also see the workaround could be building an extension: Support for more protocols · Issue #1667 · grafana/k6 · GitHub.
If you are looking to send files to an SFTP server for other purposes, not to load test an SFTP server, let me know.
Thank you @eyeveebe for your reply, yes I am looking to send files (load test ) to an SFTP server.
Do we can upload/transfer files to HTTP protocol, if yes could you please provide some documents and links to develop the k6 code?
Thank you again for your Support.
Hi @Sreenivas
I believe the examples on how to upload a file using multipart can help: Data Uploads
Let me know if otherwise
Thank you @eyeveebe for sharing