I just discovered you can add in thresholds for specific endpoints if they’ve been tagged correctly.
Adding these in add some nice extra information to your console output and summary json where you can get details on how each request performed by tag:
http_req_duration..........: avg=102.08ms min=97.46ms med=103.64ms max=106.42ms p(90)=106.23ms p(95)=106.31ms
✓ { staticAsset:yes }......: avg=101.93ms min=97.46ms med=103.58ms max=106.42ms p(90)=106.12ms p(95)=106.3ms
"http_req_duration": {
"avg": 102.08474074074076,
"max": 106.429,
"med": 103.6465,
"min": 97.46,
"p(90)": 106.23450000000001,
"p(95)": 106.31275000000001
"http_req_duration{staticAsset:yes}": {
"avg": 101.93491666666667,
"max": 106.422,
"med": 103.58850000000001,
"min": 97.46,
"p(90)": 106.1215,
"p(95)": 106.30625,
"thresholds": {
"p(95)<500": false
I was wondering if this was the only way to get this detail to show in the outputs? Is there a way to do this without setting a threshold?