Hi, I’m deploying grafana using docker compose. Grafana settings are in /usr/share/grafana/conf/default.ini. In deafult.ini SMTP settings are updated and email provider is AWS but Grafana Dashboard says SMTP settings are not configured while they are.
Here is the SMTP block:
#################################### SMTP / Emailing ##########################
enabled = true
host = xxxxxxxxaws.com:587
user = XXXXXX
# If the password contains # or ; you have to wrap it with triple quotes. Ex """#password;"""
password = XXXXXXXX
;cert_file =
;key_file =
skip_verify = true
from_address = grafana@hostedzone.com
from_name = Grafana
# EHLO identity in SMTP dialog (defaults to instance_name)
;ehlo_identity = dashboard.example.com
# SMTP startTLS policy (defaults to 'OpportunisticStartTLS')
;startTLS_policy = NoStartTLS
;welcome_email_on_sign_up = false
;templates_pattern = "emails/*.html", "emails/*.txt"
;content_types = text/html
Please comment what is wrong here and what needs to be done in order to start working as documentation says.