First I apologize if I post something that was already discussed. If so, please point me to correct thread.
Will try a very short description.
I am new to grafana. I want to monitor my router, switches and servers.
Setup consists of snmp exporter, prometheus and grafana.
In my network I have Mikrotik Router and a simple Mikrotik Switch.
For routerOS 7.x I simply enabled SNMP and added this lines to prometheus.yml
- job_name: “mikrotik”
- targets: [“”]
metrics_path: /snmp
module: [mikrotik]
- source_labels: [address]
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__param_target]
target_label: instance
- target_label: address
replacement: localhost:9116
This is working. Router is sending data in SNMP v1, v2, v3.
But I also got a very simple Mikrotik Switch which SWOS version only allows snmp v1. I think I saw in Prometheus & Grafana Docs, by default checks for snmp v2. How do I update the prometheus.yml to receive SNMP v1 data from my switch?
Am I looking at the right element in my monitoring setup?
thank you and best regards,
In the snmp exporter you have snmp.yml file, what is the module in the snmp.yml?
It should be the same as
If there no module mikrotik, so no data can be scraping.
Usually there standard module to get the interface data. it’s call “if_mib”.
Just use this module instead of mikrotik if you want to get interface data, and you can use this module to every network devices for interface data.
If you need more information like CPU, Memory or other things, you need to know the OID of each device and type, somehow, even the same brand, there are different OID for CPU and Memory.
Thanks for your reply. There is a “mikrotik” and also a “if_mib” module. Which ever I use I get the same error message:
target=192.168.xx.xx msg=“Error scraping target” err=“scrape cancelled after 10.001127856s (possible timeout) getting target 192.168.xx.xx”
That’s why I think I need somehow to force the setup to use SNMPv1 as there is no v2 or v3 on that target.
Perhaps you need snmpwalk to check the SNMP of the target.
You can use specific mikrotik exporter, you can find in this URL
Then you can use dashboard as follow:
can you try a simple direct data check via cli?
v1 might not be the issue?
snmpwalk -v1 -c public ← OK, I receive the MIB
snmpwalk -v2c -c public
Timeout: No Response from
snmpwalk -v3 -c public
snmpwalk: Timeout
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With this result, your Mikrotik only activate SNMP v1, please check the config of the v2c and v3.
v2c and v3 need specific security configuration that need to connect. v2c need user and password even for read only, v3 need challenge key to access it.
Not sure what else can I check. Mikrotik simple switch only supports snmp v1.
My router supports v2c and v3 and works normally.