Dear community,
currently I try to set up Grafana to monitor our NAS and Smart Home Server. I already get data from the hosts but the measurements come in one string like
So, when trying to select the FROM clause of the InluxDB query, I get a huge list which all measurements at once which of course don’t fit in the drop down list.
The little video in chapter ‘Query Editor’ of InfluxDB data source guide makes me believe that there is a better solution - means somehow I should be able to achieve a configuration where I first select
in the next drop down the metric
and finally the value
Further more, currently I do a
SELECT mean("value")
but it would be better to have
SELECT mean(“percent-user”)
…this way I could sum percent-user and percent-system as I am interested in the total CPU load only.
- CollectD on several hosts running on ubuntu, armbian or freebsd
- CollectdD currently has cpu, aggregation and graphite plugin enabled
- Using CollectD graphite plugin to send metrics to Grafana server
- Grafana and InfluxDB run on a VM with Ubuntu Linux 16.04.5
- InfluxDB 1.7.1
- Grafana 5.4.0-beta1
I know, this is probably a beginners question - but it would be great if still was somebody out here to help me with some hints.
Currently I not even know if I have to conjure this in CollectD, InfluxDB or Grafana
Thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards,