- What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana v.9.4.7 on CentOS
- What are you trying to achieve?
I’m using Grafana’s State Timeline panel, I have a database with process progress, in which each register has a progress (0.0-100.0) a name and a Timestamp.
When a progress ends registers from that progress aren’t created any longer.
Issue: Grafana extends to infinite the last progress value, values after 98.8, 98.1, 94.9, 97.4, 98.7 exist on my database only on one timestamp but Grafana keep them till “now”. I want bars to end when there are no more registers from that process.
Is this the intended behavior of this panel type?
Anything I can do?
I would appreciate maybe suggestions of other ways of representing this sort of data since I’m new to Grafana.
Rigth now I feel like these stacked bars fit pretty well what I’m trying to achieve but I don’t like they repeat the last value cause it doesn’t make sense in the context.