Table with Influx 2.0

Hi all,

Firstly I have used the following research to try solve the problem:

  1. Grafana Docs: Reference: Transformation functions - for Outer Joins and Merge

I am still not able to get the desired outcome.
Problem statement:
Influx 2.0 with Flux, I have a bucket “ShellyInfo”. That bucket logs information about my IoT devices (shelly cloud).



The data flow is as follows:
ShellyDevice > MQTT >> NodeRed >> InfluxDB

I then use a Flux query to extract the data using a influx data source, query:

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
  |> unique()
  |> yield(name: "last")

Further more I have tried to use the following transformations (as per the documentation above) - tried either merge or outer join or both.

I just can’t get the display of the table correct. What I am trying to get is a simple table of single values per device i.e. as if it was an excel spreadsheet. I just want to see a single (latest value) row with the devices information.

The best view I have been able to get with the query and transformations is:

The data is stored as follows in influx db 2.0:


Its driving me crazy - could anyone be able to provide me with some input as to how I can best achieve this? The view I am really after is:

  1. Table
  2. Columns being the measurement names
  3. Rows being the values
  4. Just the latest value(s)

Greatly appreciate any input.

Influx is powerfull but hard to learn,
i think what your are looking for is “pivot” function

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
  |> yield(name: "last")

this will change your data format in kind of classic sql table,
after this you can apply new filter.
This come from the key-value pair paradigm. before this transformation ou have to consider your data as one big table with columns like that

Firstly - Thank you for taking the time to respond.
I agree I am enjoying Influx 2 (after the pain of upgrading from 1.x)

So I took your query and got really excited :slight_smile:

When I have the time range for say 6 hours I get the SQL type table I was after (which is good)

I then changed the range to say 24 hours but it then comes back to the disconnected view:

I was expecting multiple results but the rows with the relevant information (so each row with the column with values)

I did remove the merge transformation but it didn’t seem to make a difference. I am probably missing something small here?

Yes, i think you want one line for each timestamp, what is happen here is a group issue i think,

before your pivot you have to group your data by time , this will result in multiple table for each unique timestamp.
After this you will be able to apply the pivot to transform each (grouped) table in one line

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

And after the pivot you will have same number of line (table) for each time _value
Finnally you can regroup this in one table with |>group() function without parameter (just to help grafana to display)

PS : after everything, in grafana when you will have the good data displayed, you can use “label to field” Trasformation for better column name format.

@alexandrearmand once again thank you for taking the time.

Ok, understand > we first grouping by data by time
Then we need to pivot the (multiple tables) and consolidate it into one table (for the view) - one line.

Then we grouping again to allow grafana to display the data.

(thank you I am now seeing/learning how to use those grouping and pivot functions)

I understood what you did not in this query:

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

I think I might have a data type issue in how I store the data (Boolean as string) as when I apply the query I get the following error - just want to confirm if its a data type issue or a query issue:

**invalid: runtime error @5:4-5:29: group: schema collision detected: column "_value" is both of type bool and string**

Just want to confirm data type or query - so I can try focus in on figure it out :slight_smile:

Thank you so much once again!

yes you can add a |>tostring() function before your first grouping,
this will transform any value in string and allow you to group it, and pivot
It’s bit hard without testing but i think your are close to the final debug

Great thread! Just my $0.02…you should be able to use Node-RED (change node with JSONata expression) and have the Boolean go into InfluxDB (instead of a string).

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Thank you again, so I went and read the documentation (here) and it seems simple enough to add


Which I did as follows

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
  |> toString()
|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

I have no transformation applied. Still getting the result in the same way though?

Thank you @grant2 - Yes you right I can do that at node red level. Once I get this right I think I will go back and set the data type correctly. Thank you

Ho i see it now, i was blind !
You created a single _field for all your value, and you use a _measurement as a _field,
It’s not a standard structure, you should consider to change it.
You can still make this work by changing your pivot like that :

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

or maybe this

 |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_field")

not sure

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Thank you once again,

So making the changes I see that the second piviot uses valueColumn _field which I wasnt sure was going to work however having said that.

Its displaying data but still in a format of a “Heat Map” not sure what is struggling to pull the values into one row here if its grafana or the query or both.

This query

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

Using the alternative pivot with _field:

 |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_field")

It should be pivoting on the Time row key but its showing values all over the place

arf not sur i think it’s group issue before pivoting, try to group by measurement in the first group, or maybe by your “field” , it’s hard to imagine…
could you extract your data , anonymise it and post a sample here ? this way i could insert it in my influxdb and debug it, or you can try to reinsert new data with better structure, and the first query i share with you should work…

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Bingo - Think you got it. What I did was change on the first grouping:


|> group(columns :["_time"])


|> group(columns :["_field"])

Not really making sense right not but seems to work I almost get the view I need:

There we now have a SQL table type view, the only thing now is I just want to see the latest entry for each of the shelly devices (in red boxes).

Happy to extract the data will post.

Nice ! now it will be easy to filter ! to get your last entry you can group by your “shelly devices” column to get one table by unique shelly device name .
after this you can apply |>last() function to get last time row for each shelly device
this way you could use any of |>max(), |>mean() |>first() |>sum() to get the result of this function for each table

So would I change this group function:


|> group(columns :["_time"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")

To (ID)?

|> group(columns :["_ID"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")

Using the Last function, like this:

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
  |> toString()
|> group(columns :["_ID"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

But that just returns the last value (single value) not the last value for each of the shelly devices if that makes sense i.e.

Ok i mean this query is good one :

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_field"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

now we are in classic data format we can still use function after this to get your final result

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_field"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group(columns :["_ID"])
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

Ideally you would filter with last function before pivot but you can optimize your query if it’s working

as example you coud apply any filter after this like a where function in sql

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
|> group(columns :["_field"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
|> group()
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["model"] == "SHEM 3" and  r["wifi_sta.connected"] == "true"  )
  |> yield(name: "query_name")
1 Like
from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
  |> toString()
  |> group(columns :["_ID"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
   |> group()
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

Man almost there thank you so much!
The query above groups nicely but it still is not unique results. If I used Last function it was just returning one row, so I used the |> unique function and we now have the right view!

from(bucket: "ShellyInfo")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "value")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ID" or r["_measurement"] == "fw_ver" or r["_measurement"] == "ip" or r["_measurement"] == "model" or r["_measurement"] == "new_fw" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.connected" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ip" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.rssi" or r["_measurement"] == "wifi_sta.ssid")
  |> toString()
  |> unique()
  |> group(columns :["_ID"])
   |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_measurement"], valueColumn: "_value")
   |> group()
|> group()
  |> yield(name: "query_name")

Thank you for the learning journey here! One would think it would be easier to display a simple table out of Influx 2.0 :slight_smile:

Now what would be nice but I am sure 1000000000 times more complex given this is Influx 2.0 is where there is no value in a row for a column use the last value so its always a complete row example:

Not really complex if you think about it ,
trick is to get rid of empty string before, this way you will get only last not empty string in the final result
to achieve this you can use a classic filter function like this
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_ID”] != “”)
but maybe you can filter your mesurement before
or check this to fill and replace null value

you will get it mate !