Tempo canot search latest trace

I use grafana 9.4.9
and tempo 2.1.1

I use grafana agent as opentelmetry collector
and config automatic_logging
use Package xk6-client-tracing · GitHub as source

when I search in loki, log is comming very realtime

but in tempo search is not realtime
if I use log’s tid go to tempo use TraceQL to search
it’s is can find trace

is it’s bug here ?
or it’s normal ?

Hi. It can take a few seconds since a trace being ingested, until it shows up in search. Search is not supported in live traces (default 10s since last received batch), whereas ID lookups are.

but I was delay at least 5 minutes
here is my config

multitenancy_enabled: true

  http_listen_port: 8097
  grpc_listen_port: 9097
  http_server_read_timeout: 300s
  http_server_write_timeout: 300s
  grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: 104857600
  grpc_server_max_send_msg_size: 104857600
  log_level: info

  receivers: # this configuration will listen on all ports and protocols that tempo is capable of.
    jaeger: # the receives all come from the OpenTelemetry collector.  more configuration information can
      protocols: # be found there: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/tree/main/receiver
        thrift_http: #
        grpc: # for a production deployment you should only enable the receivers you need!
          max_recv_msg_size_mib: 104857600

          # number of replicas of each span to make while pushing to the backend
          replication_factor: 3
  trace_idle_period: 10s # The length of time after a trace has not received spans to consider it complete and flush it.
  max_block_duration: 30m
  # duration to keep blocks in the ingester after they have been flushed
  complete_block_timeout: 15m

      store: memberlist
    compacted_block_retention: 1h
    block_retention: 4320h #180d
    compaction_cycle: 10s
    v2_in_buffer_bytes: 100
    v2_out_buffer_bytes: 100
    v2_prefetch_traces_count: 100000

    backend: s3
      path: /tmp/tempo/wal # where to store the the wal locally
      bucket: tempo
      endpoint: minio:9000
      access_key: minioadmin
      secret_key: minioadmin
      insecure: true
      forcepathstyle: true
    cache: memcached
    cache_max_block_age: 48h
      addresses: memcached:11211
      timeout: 100ms
      update_interval: 1m
    # Pool used for finding trace IDs.
      max_workers: 400                 # Worker pool determines the number of parallel requests to the object store backend.
      queue_depth: 20000               # Maximum depth for the querier queue jobs. A job is required for each block searched.
      bloom_filter_false_positive: 0.01 # Bloom filter false positive rate.  lower values create larger filters but fewer false positives.

    frontend_address: "tempo-query-frontend-1:9097"

  max_concurrent_queries: 20
  query_relevant_ingesters: false
    query_timeout: 300s
    query_timeout: 300s

  # number of times to retry a request sent to a querier
  max_retries: 2   
  # number of block queries that are tolerated to error before considering the entire query as failed
  # numbers greater than 0 make possible for a read to return partial results
  tolerate_failed_blocks: 0
  # Maximum number of outstanding requests per tenant per frontend; requests beyond this error with HTTP 429.
  max_outstanding_per_tenant: 10000

    # The number of concurrent jobs to execute when searching the backend.
    concurrent_jobs: 1000
    # The target number of bytes for each job to handle when performing a backend search.
    target_bytes_per_job: 104857600
    # Limit used for search requests if none is set by the caller
    default_result_limit: 200
    # The maximum allowed value of the limit parameter on search requests. If the search request limit parameter
    # exceeds the value configured here it will be set to the value configured here.
    # The default value of 0 disables this limit.
    max_result_limit: 0  

    # The maximum allowed time range for a search.
    # 0 disables this limit.
    max_duration: 168h
    # query_backend_after and query_ingesters_until together control where the query-frontend searches for traces.
    # Time ranges before query_ingesters_until will be searched in the ingesters only.
    # Time ranges after query_backend_after will be searched in the backend/object storage only.
    # Time ranges from query_backend_after through query_ingesters_until will be queried from both locations.
    # query_backend_after must be less than or equal to query_ingesters_until.
    query_backend_after: 15m
    query_ingesters_until: 30m
    # If set to a non-zero value, it's value will be used to decide if query is within SLO or not.
    # Query is within SLO if it returned 200 within duration_slo seconds OR processed throughput_slo bytes/s data.
    # NOTE: `duration_slo` and `throughput_bytes_slo` both must be configured for it to work

    # If set to a non-zero value, it's value will be used to decide if query is within SLO or not.
    # Query is within SLO if it returned 200 within duration_slo seconds OR processed throughput_slo bytes/s data.
    duration_slo: 10s
    throughput_bytes_slo: 0

    # Trace by ID lookup configuration
    # The number of shards to split a trace by id query into.
    # (default: 50)
    query_shards: 50
    # If set to a non-zero value, a second request will be issued at the provided duration.
    # Recommended to be set to p99 of search requests to reduce long-tail latency.
    hedge_requests_at: 2s
    # The maximum number of requests to execute when hedging.
    # Requires hedge_requests_at to be set. Must be greater than 0.
    hedge_requests_up_to: 2

    # If set to a non-zero value, it's value will be used to decide if query is within SLO or not.
    # Query is within SLO if it returned 200 within duration_slo seconds.
    duration_slo: 0s

  join_members: ["tempo-distributor-1"]

  ingestion_rate_strategy: global
  ingestion_burst_size_bytes: 104857600
  ingestion_rate_limit_bytes: 104857600
  max_bytes_per_trace: 5000000
  max_traces_per_user: 0
  max_bytes_per_tag_values_query: 5000000
    - service-graphs
    - span-metrics

  # Specifies which processors to use.
    # Span metrics create metrics based on span type, duration, name and service.
        # Configure extra dimensions to add as metric labels.
          - http.method
          - http.target
          - http.status_code
          - service.version
    # Service graph metrics create node and edge metrics for determinng service interactions.
        # Configure extra dimensions to add as metric labels.
          - http.method
          - http.target
          - http.status_code
          - service.version
  # The registry configuration determines how to process metrics.
    collection_interval: 5s                 # Create new metrics every 5s.
    path: /tmp/tempo/generator/wal
      - url:
        send_exemplars: true
          insecure_skip_verify: true
          username: "mimirwrite"
          password: "mimirwrite"


Tempo does not necessarily return the most recent traces in the requested time range. It simply returns the first matching traces it finds. You’ve searched with no parameters so it will return 20 (or so) random traces in the time period.

does any config can change default 20 limit ??

There is a configuration setting for Tempo’s query_frontend:

    default_result_limit: 20

However, this limit is only used for search requests if none is set by the caller. It does not influence the limit in the query editor UI. To my knowledge there it is not possible to change the default in the query editor.

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Is there a way to return traces of a time range, like between 20 minutes to 15 minutes ago?

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