Timefilter on dashboard and buttons in panel blinks grafana 9.2


i have two bugs with the grafana 9.2 and chrome (Version 97.0.4692.71 (Build officiel) (64 bits)).
The first, when the open a dashboard the timefilter blinks everytime. and the second one, when i edit a panel, the three buttons “Discard” “Apply” and “Save” blinks to.
someone have the same issue with the new version of grafana ? (9.2)


I use Grafana 9.2 and Chrome (no idea what version, but it’s on a Chromebook so it updates every few days) and have not experienced this problem.

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Thanks for your answer, could you check your chrome version ? please

For the timefilter, i update my post. it’s only when i take the timefilter “This month” that the bug appears…

in the panel :

Version 107.0.5304.51 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)

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Thanks a lot. i will try with this version tonight.

so i try with my own computer with chrome 107 and it’s working well… so i think the problem it’s chrome version