What happened?
Unable to calculate average over time for every 1h interval using Prometheus with Grafana
What was expected to happen?
average value should calculate 1h interval using prometheus
Steps to reproduce the problem:
Hi all,
Am facing issues using Prometheus with Grafana… Am having Boolean metric value for every success it will be 0 and for failure value becomes 1. i need to calculate average over time for every 1 h interval.so i have tried " avg over time " but still time is not set for every 1h interval.
" sum without (pid,instance)(avg over time(Temn Transact Jbc Txn status{}[1h])) " .
in Table ,if we set 1h in min step/min interval then time column is adjusted to 1h but value is not calculating correctly
Version numbers ( grafana:8.1.3, pushgateway:v1.4.1 ):