Unable to send email notifications

logger=alerting.notifier.email t=2022-11-21T09:44:33.801355342Z level=error msg=“Missing receiver”

logger=alerting.notifier.email t=2022-11-21T09:44:33.801436142Z level=error msg=“Missing group labels”

our smtp details

enabled: true
host: “smtp.sendgrid.net:587
user: “apikey”
password: “**********”
skip_verify: true
from_address: “*****”
from_name: “Grafana”
startTLS_policy: “MandatoryStartTLS”

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Welcome to the :grafana: community @sankarkarthik!

Have you created an email contact point yet? Is this the error you get when you click the “test” button?

Any other context you can give about your configuration and steps you’re using to test will help the community to give you more specific advice.

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yes i created the contact point and i am getting fallowing error

logger=alerting.notifier.email t=2022-12-06T03:18:42.098003789Z level=error msg=“Missing receiver”

logger=alerting.notifier.email t=2022-12-06T03:18:42.09805549Z level=error msg=“Missing group labels”

any solution for the above issue


Did you see/try any of these solutions?


we tried, but no help

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Did someone get any response? I’m getting the same error when trying to send a Test email notification from my RHEL 8 (Linux) sever. Installed Prometheus and Grafana as services (instead of using Docker images).

Tried above solution too but didn’t work.

logger=ngalert.notifier.email t=2023-03-30T09:05:03.607196208-05:00 level=error msg=“Missing receiver”
logger=ngalert.notifier.email t=2023-03-30T09:05:03.607257464-05:00 level=error msg=“Missing group labels”
logger=alertmanager org=1 t=2023-03-30T09:05:12.375168702-05:00 level=error component=alertmanager orgID=1 component=dispatcher msg=“Notify for alerts failed” num_alerts=16 err=“Email Alerts/email[0]: notify retry canceled due to unrecoverable error after 1 attempts: failed to send notification to email addresses: sanitized@jll.com: dial tcp xx.x.xxx.x:587: i/o timeout”
logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2023-03-30T09:05:13.608405778-05:00 level=info msg=“Request Completed” method=POST path=/api/alertmanager/grafana/config/api/v1/receivers/test status=408 remote_addr=xx.xx.xx.xx time_ms=10034 duration=10.034264628s size=500 referer=“http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3000/alerting/notifications/receivers/Email%20Alerts/edit?alertmanager=grafana” handler=/api/alertmanager/grafana/config/api/v1/receivers/test

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