Unwrap loki regexp

Hi guys. I need your help please.
I have strings format look as

2021-03-26 12:36:34 2021-03-26 12:36:34.910 INFO 7 --- [or-http-epoll-1] r.m.i.e.r.fobo.components.FoboService : <mark>Analytical log</mark>: Fobo receipt created in 8.434 seconds Show context
2021-03-26 12:36:32 2021-03-26 12:36:32.819 INFO 7 --- [or-http-epoll-4] r.m.i.e.r.fobo.components.FoboService : <mark>Analytical log</mark>: Fobo receipt created in 6.810 seconds

in final i need dashbord with 99 perсentile on created_time.

I made this query

|="Analytical log" 
| regexp "^(?s)(?P<event_time>\\S+\\s\\S+).\\s(?P<log_lvl>\\S+).*?in\\s(?P<created_time>\\d+\\.\\d+).* $" 
| unwrap created_time
| __error__ = ""[1m])

But query result is empty =(
No errors , just empty.

What i make wrong?

If i’ll make this :
{container="etl-receipt-fobo-create"} |="Analytical log" | regexp "^(?s)(?P<event_time>\\S+\\s\\S+).\\s(?P<log_lvl>\\S+).*?in\\s(?P<created_time>\\d+\\.\\d+).*$"

then see true labels

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