I’ve been using the open source, local instance of Grafana for a couple months. I’ve never been asked to enter a username and password, just point browser to localhost:3000 and it comes up.
This morning it wants a username and password. I made no changes. admin admin doesn’t work.
Can’t find the .ini file to reset it, the grafana-cli reset password commands don’t work because of home path something.
$ grafana-cli --homepath “/usr/share/grafana” admin reset-admin-password admin
Grafana-server Init Failed: Could not find config defaults, make sure homepath command line parameter is set or working directory is homepath
What is home path? Where is home path? I have no idea where brew installed it. No idea why all of a sudden after months I have to enter a password.
I don’t know what happened with my install but after trying a bunch of username and password combos it finally worked and I changed the username and password back to defaults.
Dumb problem, my fault I guess…but also…not sure why it never asked for the login for 90 days.