I can create a Top5 cloudwatch insights query like:
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like /SOMETHING/
| parse '* :: *' as action, sender
| stats count() as count by sender
| sort count desc
| limit 5
which gives me a cloud watch output that looks like
| sender | count |
| sender1 | 18 |
| sender2 | 6 |
| sender3 | 3 |
| sender4 | 1 |
| sender5 | 1 |
I’m trying to display this in grafana 7 using the new cloudwatch logs feature and the table shows only 1 row with a drop down box at the bottom that has all the table rows, but I can only pick one at a time. How can I display all 5 rows?
I will settle for a bar graph with all values, or maybe a pie chart.