Hi Guys 
I have a large and heavy tests to run. There is more than 3000 VUs and each send ~30-50 req per run.
I’ve been using influx + grafana and even after adjusting influx configuration (K6_INFLUXDB_PUSH_INTERVAL, K6_INFLUXDB_CONCURRENT_WRITES and K6_INFLUXDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE) influx still can’t consume that amount of data.
Can you recommend or tell me what tools you are using when you execute large tests?
I know there is a k6 cloud but the price only for generating report is ridiculous. If I would execute this tests from k6 infrastructure then ok, but for report it doesn’t make sense.
Thanks in advance
Hi @adriank,
welcome to the community forum 
Can you recommend or tell me what tools you are using when you execute large tests?
You should check this previous reply where there are some suggestions on how to improve.
Can you provide details about the used Options for InfluxDB and which response time you’re getting on flushing metrics, please?
Hi @codebien thank you for your response.
I know this article, it helped me to tune my tests before, and it was working correctly until i’ve reached 2k users. After that started failing.
My conf:
- K6_INFLUXDB_CONCURRENT_WRITES=100 (checked several different numbers, didn't help)
- K6_INFLUXDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE=30000 (checked several different numbers, didn't help)
which response time you’re getting on flushing metrics
i don’t have it now, sorry I would have to execute tests again to get this information and I can’t do it now