Who are the top clients of Grafana Mimir?

We are evaluating Grafana Mimir for our production use case comprising of ingestion of about million qps.

We are comparing this against some other popular open source tools such as M3DB.

Can someone please help me with the following two queries

  1. Who are the top clients of Grafana Mimir
  2. Any pointers regarding comparision between Grafana Mimir and M3 developed by Uber

This will help me take a wise decision at my current company Quizizz. Looking forward to get these details. Thanks in advance

Why you just not test them for your use case? I guess there will be edge cases where Mimir will be awesome and some cases where other TSDBs may perform better.

You mentioned ingestion but that doesn’t qps unit make sense (queries per second? - but queries are for reading, not for ingestion).

If you really need some numbers to impress then How we scaled our new Prometheus TSDB Grafana Mimir to 1 billion active series | Grafana Labs
TLDR: Mimir cluster spanning 1,500 replicas, about 7,000 CPU cores, and 30 TiB of RAM = 1 bilion active timeseries, 50M samples/sec + 2.5k req/sec

Mimir is horizontally scalable, so only your budget is your limit. Used stress testing script is published, so just use it against other TSDBs - but that will be synthetic test and your real use case can be different.

If you really need proper enterprise decision then ask also right questions (it is not only about huge numbers), e.g.:

  • how active is project
  • is it core business for the vendor
  • can I have support/SLA from the vendor
  • are there any industry standards supported (e.g. opentelemetry)
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Sure, thanks for answering my query.

About qps, sorry I meant rps.

Could you answer the questions you mentioned at the end please?

I am aware then opentelemetry is under consideration and either already picked or will be picked soon.

Yes, I can, but what is a point of asking about competitor on this forum? My answers will give you outcome that Grafana’s products are better than competitors. But will they be a honest or biased based? :man_shrugging:

Sorry but I meant answering these questions regarding Mimir only

  • how active is project
  • is it core business for the vendor
  • can I have support/SLA from the vendor
  • are there any industry standards supported (e.g. opentelemetry)

I understand your point of not making a comment about competitors. No issues there