Hi all,
I’m rather new to Grafana and just started to toy with a PoC graphing my home FreeNAS system. FreeNAS has got an integrated collectd - nothing to configure here but the hostname or address of a remote Graphite server. So far so good.
I found the Graphite stack rather complex with all the moving parts (carbon, whisper), separate web server (Apache/Nginx), uwsgi and all. So I ended with InfluxDB and a Graphite compatible listener. Piece of cake to set up, Grafana too. Really
Now the series I’d like to graph are these:
My first attempt looked the way I wanted but I used 7 distinct queries. That does not scale to our data centre and graphing dozens of hosts (I already got around creating variables) with varying disk topologies.
But for my second attempt I cannot get it to work like I want to it seems.
First the config:
And the resulting panel:
How do I get rid of the “disktemp-” in front of every temperature reading? I figured it should be possible to use a pattern like “/disktemp-(.*)/” in the regex match for resource but no staring at the “Templating with InfluxDB” and no trial and error gave me a solution.
Any hints most welcome.
Thanks in advance,