Bar hidden behind another bar

I’m fighting this issue for a few days, where 1 bar gets hidden if I have more then 2 query’s. As soon as 1 disable 1 query the other bar is shown again. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.

Grafana v7.0.5 (efbcbb838b). I have tested with the same data in a MariaDB and InfluxDB, both give the same result.

Query options ‘Min interval’ is set to 1d.

My InfluxDB query’s:


SELECT last("value") FROM "DailyPowerProductionUsedTotal" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1d) fill(null)


SELECT last("value") FROM "DailyPowerUsageTotal" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1d) fill(null)


SELECT last("value") FROM "DailyPowerProductionTotal" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

All query’s enabled:

When you look closely, you see the orange bar with a few % visibility when you hover the mouse over the bar.

Query B disabled:

Who can help me?

It seems Grafana shows bars in order of query aliases in reverse alphabetical order, so C is shown on top of B, that itself is shown on top of A query. So to get second query be shown on top you would need to switch content of B and C queries.
If values produced by query C can sometimes be bigger and overlap B, it might be better to enable bar stacking, or use some plugin to show bars side-by-side.

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