Challenges Setting Up Grafana for Proxmox

I have gone through the document/s available online and after following them I have installed Grafana with InfluxDB and also imported Proxmox dashboard from Grafana portal. Now I could access Grafana dashboard http:// localhost:3000 but i have two challenges, which I am not sure what I did wrong.

  1. Grafana services doesn’t start automatedly even though I did followed the instructions how to do it in the online documentation.

  2. When I open the Proxmox dashboard, I could see the complete layout but no metrics, possibly because Grafana setup have not registered the server and is not showing in the drop down lost of server to be selected.

I have enclosed screen grab of dashboard and database connection test plus looking for option how to upload the log for Grafana. Please advise what I need to do to overcome the above mentioned challenges.

Hi @nilanjan

Let’s start here. what exactly does this mean? It looks like your IOnflux datasource was added successfully. If you go to explore and select. your Influx datasource, are you able to make any queries work?

As far as the dashboard goes: can you link to the one that you used? many dashboards, unfortunately, are not maintained and will not import perfectly, for one reason or another.

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