This HAS to be a simple question but I cannot find the answer. I have a time series chart that is displaying two queries from AWS Timestream. One query for each piece of data. The names in the legend are awful - “measure_value::double”. I have found an override but it overrides both with the same name.
How to change the name of each series to “Resin A” and “Resin B”?
I am on Grafana cloud so v8.4.6 (c53173ff6)
My data source is from the Amazon Timestream add in. Version 1.5.1.
This is an evaluation account so it is less than 14 days old.
@yosiasz - Thank you for your offer. Unfortunately It would not be good policy for us to give access to our data. I DID reach out to Grafana support. I ultimately discovered that there are overrides for this. In case it helps others that are found:
FYI: When people ask for sample data here and other data related forums, the ask is for obsfuscated/bogus data not your private data. You help us help you