Sorry if this topic was already covered, if so please direct me… could not find any related info.
I have just installed Prometheus and Grafana (details below) on the same host.
I add the Prometheus data source and it hooked correctly but still I get no data point.
I get correctly data from other sources and it is presented correctly.
Is there any specific configuration that has to be done? Additional package that need to be installed?
I will appreciate any insight or direction to relevant document.
Prometheus Build Information
Version 1.7.1
Revision 3afb3fffa3a29c3de865e1172fb740442e9d0133
Branch master
BuildDate 20170612-11:45:58
GoVersion go1.8.3
Can you show the response’s raw data for one of the queries as described in the how to guide. Click on one of the queries in the network tab and then click on the response tab tab and then paste the contents of the response here.
Any idea anyone? Should there be any specific line in the prometheus.yml?
Is there additional code needed to be installed other than prometheus-1.7.1.linux-386?
Those are the requests that you posted. Could you post the responses as well, please? While it is useful to be able to see the queries that were sent to Prometheus, it would be more useful to see the response data.
It’s in the guide. But here is a screenshot showing how. There are four tabs, you pasted in the data from the Headers tab but the json response under the Response tab is what I’m looking for.
So the query is not returning any results. If this query above, is one of the queries not returning data, are you sure that the query is correct and that this data is stored in Prometheus?
What I have done till now is implementing the Prometheus out of the box w/out any configuration. and added 2 host the Prometheus server itself anf a docker host exposing via Cadvisor all the default metrics.
Than added to Grafana some dashboards that as far as I know presenting the trivial counters.
Yes, I can see that the related query is returning empty from the Prometheus console itself.
This is the config file - any idea what should be changed?
The Docker dashboard also returns empty…
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with
external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).
Some more information - I hope it will help.
Diving into the Docker dashboard see attached screenshot I found that the Metric lookup in this case “container_cpu_user_seconds_total” is available on the Prometheus console but the query sort_desc(sum(rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=“”}[1m])) by (name)) returns w/out data.
Any idea?
The open question remain why “container_cpu_user_seconds_total” is available on the Prometheus console but the query sort_desc(sum(rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=""}[1m])) by (name)) returns w/out data.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!
The first query rate(node_network_receive_bytes{alias="", device!=“lo”}[5s]) return no data.
The second one: rate(node_network_receive_bytes{alias="", device!=“lo”}[5m]) returns data.
What should I do in order to store relevant data?
All the queries I am using are from dashboard I have download. For now w/out any customization.
Another example is:
“container_cpu_user_seconds_total” is stored and I can see data.
but the query on top of it sort_desc(sum(rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=""}[1m])) returns no data???
What am I missing in the configuration?