I’m using Grafana to monitor some automation systems. I’ve been using it for years in many different types of applications and I’m very content with it: easy to setup, easy to configure, easy for end users to monitor, and nice visual design.
However, for my current application, I need a few input fields: some numeric input, some toggle, perhaps some sliders. They should reflect key values in Redis.
I’ve seen a few similar requests, and the general answer is that Grafana is a pure monitoring tool, and Node-RED dashboard is often recommended as an alternative. However, I’m not at all as content with Node-RED dashboard as I am with Grafana, except for this single feature. And I don’t really see why Grafana could not support simple writes like this? Would it be possible to write a plugin to do it? As I’ve searched and not found any, I’m guessing it’s not as easy as I think.