Dashboard: Internal Server Error

Hi guys,

I just connected Grafana to the Hana XSA Server reaching two different URLs where two Apps and/or API’s (I don’t know) have been deployed.
I expect to receive data on the dashboard, isn’t it?
Anyway the next error shown on the Dashborad is: Internal Server Error.
I can’t see any data.
Which is the problem?
I attach three screenshots.

Many thanks,

Hana XSA Server?

What data source are you using (Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Elasticsearch etc?) Is grafana server configured so it can talk to your data source? What is your query?

The error looks like your query is returning non valid data for the data source type.

Hi torkel,

many thanks for the answer.
the Data Source is Simplejason.
Do you think the problem should be the datasource configuration?
I think I have installed a generic simplejason datasourse, as you can see on the first screenshot.
So, firrst of all, my question is: can the datasource be a generic one (donwloaded from Grafana web site) or it must be configured for the specific usecase/client and deployed locally on my Grafana server datasourses directory?
In this case, how and where do I install a specific and customized simplejason datasourse?

The query has been developed by a java developer (I immagine), I am just trying to receive data to start monitoring Hana processes.
How can I identify the query?
Where can I find the query?
Is the query on the local Grafana installation or on the XSA Server?

Many thanks for your attention,

Grafana Data Source configuration:

Connection to Hana XSA Server at https://dss.trenitalia.it:64056

In the readme for the some json datasource you see examples for the api the json responses that is expected

Hi Torkel,

I will try to be as much clear as I can to describe the scenario.

I am performing a test based on the possibility to use Grafana as a data visualizer on SAP Hana DB.

I received two different packages:

  1. simple-json-datasource

  2. dmms-grafana-copy

the simple-json-datasource has been copied to the local gafana directory: /public/app/plugins/datasource/

the dmms-grafana-copy package has been deployed on XSA Server where two apps have been

created on these path:

grafana-js STARTED 1/1 100 MB https://remote_server:port1

grafana-web STARTED 1/1 128 MB https://remote_server:port2

this was the instruction to follow:
XSA MTA for implementing grafana data source communication (zip attached). This application has to be unzipped on a local folder, and deployed on the XSA server where grafana will be connected to. The application deployment has to be performed using XSA client tool, installed on the same laptop, running a push command.

the connection to the Urls from Grafana is working.

So the question is: is this a problem on my local Grafana installation or is it on the remote server (XSA Server).

When I try to see data on the dashbord, the error is: Internal Server Error!

The query is on grafana or on the remote Server?

How can I check the query is ok?

Many thanks for your attention,


Dashboard: Internal Server Error!


Request details
Url https://remote_server/query
Method POST
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json, text/plain, /
Request parameters
panelId 1
range { “from”: “2017-08-28T06:11:43.480Z”, “to”: “2017-08-28T12:11:43.481Z”, “raw”: { “from”: “now-6h”, “to”: “now” } }
rangeRaw { “from”: “now-6h”, “to”: “now” }
interval "15s"
intervalMs 15000
targets [ { “type”: “timeserie” } ]
format "json"
maxDataPoints 1366
scopedVars { “__interval”: { “text”: “15s”, “value”: “15s” }, “__interval_ms”: { “text”: 15000, “value”: 15000 } }


TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fleet’ of undefined
   at /hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/start.js:239:141
   at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:131:13)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)
   at next (/hana/shared/DSS/xs/ea_data/titdbshsl02ls/executionroot/24285f34-d5a4-41dd-b989-f2726dae5e05/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:125:14)

you have to ask for help with the creators of dmms-grafana-copy

/public/app/plugins/datasource/ that is not the correct place for external plugins, external plugins should be in /var/lib/grafana/plugins (if you installed grafana from official deb/rpm packages)

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Hello @tcasalino - did you succeed in getting Grafana to run on XSA, querying HANA? I am about to embark on the same type of stack.


Hi Mark,

yes, I did :slight_smile: