Hi guys, i spent a lot of time with googling, but without success.
I use plugin GitHub - simPod/GrafanaJsonDatasource: Grafana datasource to load JSON data over your arbitrary HTTP backend and flask server for serving data…
(i tried plugin GitHub - grafana/simple-json-datasource: Datasource that sends generic http requests to give url too but behavior was same…)
When i add new dashboard with grafana-json-datasource plugin, in network console in firefox i see request to my server and i see request in log of my server too.
But when dashboard is added i see only message “No data” and when i try to refresh data, request to endpoint /query isnt fired. In console i see only request to /annotation and my log in flask server is empty too. (request wasn
t call…)
When i try section “Explore”, request to /query is called.
I am Grafana newbie and i don`t know if problem is in my settings, in external plugin or in Grafana.
Please, do you have any idea, where can by a problem?
Grafana version: Grafana v7.1.0 (8101355285)
Server: Ubuntu Server 18.04
App: Flask 1.1.2
Thank you for any answer.