Dashboard refresh clears table column filter

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
  • What are you trying to achieve?
    Filter columns that stick when dashboard refreshes preferably per user
  • How are you trying to achieve it?
    by applying a filter
  • What happened?
    filter is reset
  • What did you expect to happen?
    filter to stick

I may be missing something obvious but on a table panel when applying a filter to column every time the dashboard refreshes the filter is lost. We have a dashboard that refresh’s every 5s making filters useless. I was expecting each user viewing the dashboard to be able to apply a filter that persists on that dashboard until they reset the filter view.

welcome to the :grafana: forum, @pr1malc0de

do you think you could try and replicate this on our public sandbox, https://play.grafana.org? :pray:


I have the same problem here with Grafana 8.2.1. When the panel refresh the filter clears. Also if we just resize the column it also clears the filter.
I don’t think that this should be normal behavior.
I don’t see any other option for the filters in the table panel configuration.
I was able to reproduce both issues with the sandbox.

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certainly looks like there is a bug with the filter maintaining state. I’ll make an issue in the repo and link it here :+1:

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I don’t see any issue for this problem in the Grafana repo. Has it been created yet ?


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@jorisjean my apologies–I haven’t had a chance to make one yet.

Do you think you could create one and copy in your screencast?

Started the issue :+1:

You’re right I could have done it. Thanks for taking care of it.

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