Data is not refreshing in Grafana dashboard but refreshing in panel

I am using Grafana and data visualization. I have multiple panels inside one dashboard and multiple panels showing the different things. I am using Influxdb as the data source. Data is coming in Grafana and I am able to visualize as well. I have data from July to October in Influxdb.

In all the panels data is showing till 23/08/2020 but I have data till October. If I got inside the panel and refresh it then showing all the data but as soon as I save the panel and come to the dashboard and refresh it, again it restore to 23/08, and again I have to go inside the panel to refresh the panel and see the data. I am giving the correct time range as well but still, it’s happening.

After refreshing again data will be restored to 23/08/2020

I can confirm this same problem. I just upgraded to Grafana 7.3.6 and I’m also using InfluxDB 2.0.3 with the Flux language and have data randomly failing to display on the dashboards, yet if I edit a panel and refresh the data shows there. When I go back to the dashboard the updated data will still show in that panel I just updated, but then when I click ‘Refresh dashboard’ it loses it again. Even if I go to my browser and do a page reload it still shows only old data.
I even bounced my Grafana instance and that didn’t fix it.
UPDATE - This may be related to the use of Flux language. I have two dashboards using Flux with two different InfluxDB instances and they both are having the same problem right now while my other dashboards using a Prometheus backend are working fine.
Unfortunately I don’t have any more working InfluxDB dashboards using InfluxQL to check.

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I found what is causing the problem and a workaround for it. If you go into the panel and expand ‘Query options’, you’ll see an option for ‘Max data points’ that apparently gets automatically calculated by default based on the time range of the window. This auto calculation logic may be faulty for the Flux language due to the way it returns results in multiple tables - just my guess. I can solve the display problem by manually entering a value such as 999999 for each of my panels.