What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
- 8.4.0 - selfhosted Docker on CentOS
What are you trying to achieve?
- A timeline that shows bars for specific time ranges
How are you trying to achieve it?
- I have a database that stores events and their time ranges, in this case, it stores the distance the car drove between two timestamps shown below (“ende” means “end”)
- I want grafana to show a bar that starts from the first timestamp and ends at the second (the value is not important for now)
- I have a database that stores events and their time ranges, in this case, it stores the distance the car drove between two timestamps shown below (“ende” means “end”)
Did you already found a solution, I am also searching for that. I know that it is possible with the marcusolsson-gantt-panel, but this panel is not maintained any more
you are right i think this is really usefull,
as an example, my personnal usage. Database task calculation over night :
if you click on data link this send you on another gantt of subtasks
I am also searching for a new one, because this visual is not maintained any more. Do you know another one with the same functionality?
you can check on gantt example with Echart apache panel :
maybe you can use
in beta grafana you will have maybe trace panel
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