Error on connection to simplejson datasource plugin

I have response.json file format is as follows which is array
[ { “appId” : “CSST”, “featureId” : “SSITO35610”, “runSource” : “LOCAL”, “envName” : “491”, “status” : “FAILED”, “busId” : “S00610”, “testCycle” : 1, “releaseId” : “1001”, “buildNumber” : null, “systemName” : null, “osInfo” : null, “testerName” : null, “testStartTime” : null, “testEndTime” : null, “runDate” : null, “jiraId” : null, “dayNum” : 0, “runKey” : “RunKey1”, “tcTotal” : 10, “tcPassed” : 4, “tcFailed” : 5, “tcSkipped” : 1, “createdDt” : null, “updatedDt” : null, “createdBy” : null, “lastUpdBy” : null }, { “appId” : “CSST”, “featureId” : “SSITO35590-35590”, “runSource” : “LOCAL”, “envName” : “491”, “status” : “FAILED”, “busId” : “S00590”, “testCycle” : 1, “releaseId” : “1001”, “buildNumber” : null, “systemName” : “1610528”, “osInfo” : “Windows 8.1”, “testerName” : “1610528”, “testStartTime” : “2019-12-03 21:54:02”, “testEndTime” : “2019-12-03 21:57:17”, “runDate” : “2019-12-03 00:00:00.0”, “jiraId” : “SSITO35590”, “dayNum” : 1, “runKey” : “1001_1_SSITO35590-35590”, “tcTotal” : 11, “tcPassed” : 1, “tcFailed” : 1, “tcSkipped” : 9, “createdDt” : “2019-12-03 00:00:00.0”, “updatedDt” : “2019-12-03 00:00:00.0”, “createdBy” : “1610528”, “lastUpdBy” : “1610528” } ]

return type
@RequestMapping(value = “/reporttablesearches12”)
public String searchreports1(TST_REPORT_TABLE tstReportTable) throws ParseException {
JSONArray jsArray = new JSONArray();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonResult = null;

I am able to connect to the datasource using simplejson plugin,using both server and browser option but when i explore the datasource i am unable to get the result

also i tried simplejsonpod as well