Feedback Canvas Panel

Dear grafana community,

I want to share my experience with the canvas plugin.

First, thanks for this great new opportunity to show the data. I really enjoyed to use it and it was self-explanatory.

Here are some remarks which would improve the canvas panel even more:

  • moving objects along an axis (either horizontally or vertically - e.g. by shift key)
  • Locking of elements
  • actions when clicking a button
  • input type


PS: What about a canvas subcategory in this forum?

Hi @mapalmu,

Thanks for opening this post and providing your feedback. Currently, there is already a feedback section opened on our Github Discussions page for Canvas Plugin.

I would recommend that you post your feedback there as the Engineering folks actively read it and listen to them to make the plugin better in user-experience and feature enhancements.

They can also decide as when they would like to create a new category in the community forums too as might have an ETA. :slight_smile: