- What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
- What are you trying to achieve?
Like in a Trend the Legend can be used as a ‘Filter’ to view only the selected Data/Field. Wondering if the GeoMap Legend could do the same? I have 7 Layers on Map. Each depicts a different Type of Equipment. Selecting an Equipment Type from the Legend only displays that equipment Type on the GeoMap via the layer.
- How are you trying to achieve it?
Havent yet. still reviewing videos and online help
Nothing happens
- What did you expect to happen?
Clicking on an Item/Equipment/Site/Data in the Legend only displays those types by Markers on the map
- Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
- Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
- Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
Hey bradleyjenkins,
Sorry I don’t have an answer to your question.
But I was curious how you got the legend to show up in your screenshot for the different shapes and colors?
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I was actually able to figure out a way to have 2 different Legends. 1 that just shows the Legend and another thats a Custom Variable from my DB that will not only show ALL, but can be used as a Filter to show ONLY those Sites I want to see.
Custom Variable - All : AND ([fl_wind] =1 OR [fl_solar] = 1 OR [fl_utility] = 1 OR [fl_energy] = 1 OR [fl_storage] = 1 OR [fl_nuclear] = 1 OR [fl_corp] = 1), Wind : AND [fl_wind] = 1, Solar : AND [fl_solar] = 1, FPL_Fossil : AND [fl_utility] = 1, NEER_Fossil : AND [fl_energy] = 1, BESS : AND [fl_storage] = 1, Nuclear : AND [fl_nuclear] = 1, Corporate : AND [fl_corp] = 1
The one in the Picture is from multiple layers and each Layer is a Site Type. Using Markers, Location Mode - Auto, Fixed Value, Symbol Selection for Icon, and Show Legend.
Custom Variable Legend -
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Using the GeoMap I was able to create a Drop Down Filter for a Legend. I also placed another GeoMap as an Inlay and can use this Map for Zooming in on Selected Items. I have 3 Variables.
The First Map is a ‘Stationary’ ‘Fit All’ Map of the database with 8 Layers. Each Layer is set to Markers with each having a different Icon and Icon Color. The Map uses only 1 1 Custom Variable looks at my 8 Queries each filtered by Type and the query is connected to a database as -
All : AND ([fl_wind] =1 OR [fl_solar] = 1 OR [fl_utility] = 1 OR [fl_energy] = 1 OR [fl_storage] = 1 OR [fl_nuclear] = 1 OR [fl_corp] = 1), Wind : AND [fl_wind] = 1, Solar : AND [fl_solar] = 1, FPL_Fossil : AND [fl_utility] = 1, NEER_Fossil : AND [fl_energy] = 1, BESS : AND [fl_storage] = 1, Nuclear : AND [fl_nuclear] = 1, Corporate : AND [fl_corp] = 1
The Second Map or Map Inlay is a duplicate of the first Map and only having 1 layer which connects directly to my Database via query and returns each type via 2 Variable. 1 for the Type and the other for the Name. From this Inlay Map i can now zoom to where i need to go and then also select the Dashboard for the selected.