I changed the code from the script valueFormats.ts for the decimal delimiter in locale formate and it is working!
But now i have some problems if the decimals undefined in the panel for the case when the scale by the y-axes is 2.5-steps. The scale show me ‘NaN’.
I tried many steps but nothing changed my problem, maybe someone have an idea?
Thank you
Picture, what shows the Problem
And the code:
import { clamp } from 'lodash';
import { TimeZone } from '../types';
import { DecimalCount } from '../types/displayValue';
import { getCategories } from './categories';
import { toDateTimeValueFormatter } from './dateTimeFormatters';
import { getOffsetFromSIPrefix, SIPrefix, currency } from './symbolFormatters';
export interface FormattedValue {
text: string;
prefix?: string;
suffix?: string;
export function formattedValueToString(val: FormattedValue): string {
return `${val.prefix ?? ''}${val.text}${val.suffix ?? ''}`;
export type ValueFormatter = (
value: number,
decimals?: DecimalCount,
scaledDecimals?: DecimalCount,
timeZone?: TimeZone,
showMs?: boolean
) => FormattedValue;
export interface ValueFormat {
name: string;
id: string;
fn: ValueFormatter;
export interface ValueFormatCategory {
name: string;
formats: ValueFormat[];
export interface ValueFormatterIndex {
[id: string]: ValueFormatter;
// Globals & formats cache
let categories: ValueFormatCategory[] = [];
const index: ValueFormatterIndex = {};
let hasBuiltIndex = false;
export function toFixed(value: number, decimals?: DecimalCount): string {
if (value === null) {
return '';
if (value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return value.toLocaleString('de-DE');
if (decimals === null) {
decimals = getDecimalsForValue(value);
if (decimals === undefined) {
return value.toLocaleString('de-DE'); //decimals = getDecimalsForValue(value)
if (value === 0) {
return value.toFixed(decimals).replace('.',',');
const factor = decimals ? Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, decimals)) : 1;
const formatted = String(Math.round(value * factor) / factor).replace('.',',');
// if exponent return directly
if (formatted.indexOf('e') !== -1 || value === 0) {
return value.toLocaleString('de-DE');
const decimalPos = formatted.indexOf(',');
const precision = decimalPos === -1 ? 0 : formatted.length - decimalPos - 1;
if (precision < decimals) {
return (precision ? formatted : formatted + ',') + String(factor).slice(1, decimals - precision + 1).replace('.',',');
const language = 'de-DE'; // use the current language if available, otherwise use "de-DE"
const options = { minimumFractionDigits: decimals, maximumFractionDigits: decimals };
return value.toLocaleString(language, options);
function getDecimalsForValue(value: number): number {
const absValue = Math.abs(value);
const log10 = Math.floor(Math.log(absValue) / Math.LN10);
let dec = -log10 + 1;
const magn = Math.pow(10, -dec);
const norm = absValue / magn; // norm is between 1.0 and 10.0
// special case for 2.5, requires an extra decimal
if (norm > 2.25) {
if (value % 1 === 0) {
dec = 0;
const decimals = Math.max(0, dec);
return decimals;
export function toFixedScaled(value: number, decimals: DecimalCount, ext?: string): FormattedValue {
if (decimals === undefined) {
decimals = 1;
return {
text: toFixed(value, decimals),
suffix: ext,
export function toFixedUnit(unit: string, asPrefix?: boolean): ValueFormatter {
return (size: number, decimals?: DecimalCount) => {
if (size === null) {
return { text: '' };
const text = toFixed(size, decimals);
if (unit) {
if (asPrefix) {
return { text, prefix: unit };
return { text, suffix: ' ' + unit };
return { text };
export function isBooleanUnit(unit?: string) {
return unit && unit.startsWith('bool');
export function booleanValueFormatter(t: string, f: string): ValueFormatter {
return (value) => {
return { text: value ? t : f };
const logb = (b: number, x: number) => Math.log10(x) / Math.log10(b);
export function scaledUnits(factor: number, extArray: string[], offset = 0): ValueFormatter {
return (size: number, decimals?: DecimalCount) => {
if (size === null || size === undefined) {
return { text: '' };
if (size === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || size === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || isNaN(size)) {
return { text: size.toLocaleString('de-DE') };
const siIndex = size === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(logb(factor, Math.abs(size)));
const suffix = extArray[clamp(offset + siIndex, 0, extArray.length - 1)];
if (decimals === undefined) {
decimals = 1;
return {
text: toFixed(size / factor ** clamp(siIndex, -offset, extArray.length - offset - 1), decimals),
export function locale(value: number, decimals: DecimalCount): FormattedValue {
if (value == null) {
return { text: '' };
return {
text: value.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: decimals ?? undefined }),
export function simpleCountUnit(symbol: string): ValueFormatter {
const units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'];
const scaler = scaledUnits(1000, units);
return (size: number, decimals?: DecimalCount, scaledDecimals?: DecimalCount) => {
if (size === null) {
return { text: '' };
const v = scaler(size, decimals, scaledDecimals);
v.suffix += ' ' + symbol;
return v;
export function stringFormater(value: number): FormattedValue {
return { text: `${value}` };
function buildFormats() {
categories = getCategories();
for (const cat of categories) {
for (const format of cat.formats) {
index[format.id] = format.fn;
// Resolve units pointing to old IDs
[{ from: 'farenheit', to: 'fahrenheit' }].forEach((alias) => {
const f = index[alias.to];
if (f) {
index[alias.from] = f;
hasBuiltIndex = true;
export function getValueFormat(id?: string | null): ValueFormatter {
if (!id) {
return toFixedUnit('');
if (!hasBuiltIndex) {
const fmt = index[id];
if (!fmt && id) {
let idx = id.indexOf(':');
if (idx > 0) {
const key = id.substring(0, idx);
const sub = id.substring(idx + 1);
if (key === 'prefix') {
return toFixedUnit(sub, true);
if (key === 'suffix') {
return toFixedUnit(sub, false);
if (key === 'time') {
return toDateTimeValueFormatter(sub);
if (key === 'si') {
const offset = getOffsetFromSIPrefix(sub.charAt(0));
const unit = offset === 0 ? sub : sub.substring(1);
return SIPrefix(unit, offset);
if (key === 'count') {
return simpleCountUnit(sub);
if (key === 'currency') {
return currency(sub);
if (key === 'bool') {
idx = sub.indexOf('/');
if (idx >= 0) {
const t = sub.substring(0, idx);
const f = sub.substring(idx + 1);
return booleanValueFormatter(t, f);
return booleanValueFormatter(sub, '-');
return toFixedUnit(id);
return fmt;
export function getValueFormatterIndex(): ValueFormatterIndex {
if (!hasBuiltIndex) {
return index;
export function getValueFormats() {
if (!hasBuiltIndex) {
return categories.map((cat) => {
return {
text: cat.name,
submenu: cat.formats.map((format) => {
return {
text: format.name,
value: format.id,