GLIBC_2.28 not found after yum upgrade

I had grafana 8.5 installed on my linux machine. When did a yum update, grafana automatically got updated to 9.3. Since then I am unable to start grafana.

I get the following error message. Please help.
../bin/grafana-cli: /lib64/ version GLIBC_2.28’ not found (required by …/bin/grafana-cli)`

you will need to either update the glibc library on your system to a version that is compatible with Grafana, or downgrade Grafana to a version that is compatible with the version of glibc you have installed.
Updating the glibc library on your system may require compiling the library from source. If you are not familiar with how to do this, or if you do not want to go through the process of compiling and installing the library from source, you may want to consider downgrading Grafana to a version that is compatible with the version of glibc you have installed.

I’m unable to figure out a way to update glibc version. However, I tried to change grafana version but it doesn’t work. Here’s the set of steps I used.

sudo yum remove grafana
sudp yum install grafana=8.5.2

For the second command, I get an error that version 8.5.2 is not available in the repo.

Please suggest if there is any other way to downgrade the version.

you can update gblic b the following command:

sudo yum install glibc

If you are still having issues after upgrading glibc, you may need to manually download and install a newer version of glibc from the GNU website. You can find instructions for doing this at the following link:

If that doesn’t work

you will need to download the version of Grafana that you want to install. You can find previous versions of Grafana on the Grafana GitHub releases page:

Once you have downloaded the desired version of Grafana, you can install it by running the following command:

sudo yum localinstall grafana-<version>.rpm

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Hi @alishajain,

Welcome to the :grafana: community support forums !!

I think @usamaaltaf420 provided some good hints already.

Also, this seems more of a packaging issue on the operating system (O.S.) rather than Grafana as Grafana only required this package from the base O.S.

Not sure which Linux distribution you are using but the issue seems with its own package version. Maybe try a yum update on your machine first before updating grafana.

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