Grafana 502 Server Error - Unable to load charts with Longer duration (Plugin Google Cloud Monitoring)

Hello Everyone,

Was hoping if someone could assist - i am getting Server Error at the load time of Dashboard when trying to view Historical Data.

  • Grafana version 8.5.1

  • Intention is to display Dashboards on historical data (at least 2 days or 7 days back)

*I am using Google Cloud Monitoring Plugin - The data is stored in Google Cloud >> Stackdriver >> Google Cloud Monitoring Plugin >> Grafana

  • Grafana is unable to display data - throws 502 Server error when in time range we select 2 days and above.

  • Expectation is to see any to every historical data with accuracy

  • Problem seems to be with the amount of Data that’s being pulled by Cloud Monitoring plugin, but since my data does not require Time series, its a Table - i am not sure what best option could be to demonstrate in Table its basically count of certain events

  • Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? 502 Server Error

  • Did you follow any online instructions? None yet.

502 Bad Gateway

The issue might not be amount of data, 502 is bad gateway. Did this ever work?

Hi @yosiasz ,

Yes, its still working fine when the selected time range is 24hrs or less - but anything more than that is causing the problem.

That’s the error btw


Currently troubleshooting the same issue. Have you been able to get this resolved?