Hi All,
I am new to Grafana and realized, that currently in 7th version I cannot use multiline row feature for table.
Also, I found there is a workaround - use “type”: “table-old” in JSON. And it helped me: now text isn’t in one line anymore, but I still need to format output (correct newlines).
I found that “HTML Sanitized” option could help me
Does anybody can share table panel JSON example for Grafana v6 with “HTML Sanitized” option turned on, I cannot find how this option must look like in JSON?
Or lead me to JSON template documentation for Grafana v6 table panel?
Why do I need this?
I am gathering data from RT ticket system, and I need to show latest comment on opened requests, what demands multiline.
But I don’t understand why you would need to alter the JSON manually, if you change the JSON to “table-old” then the panel should become a v6 table panel and Grafana interface should show all the v6 table panel options including the ability to enable/disable the sanatize html option (under column styles). It’s enabled on a per-column basis, not a whole-table basis.
Hello @codlord
Thanks for the point.
Yep, it’s absolutely right. I missed “column styles” sub menu on “Panel” Tab. Thought it must be on “Field” Tab, and I guess this tab is visible only for v7 version of table panel.