So currently I am pulling in data and outputting it in the form of a table. However, there is quite a bit of information being pulled across for each section of information which does not fit in a single row (a single line) where the end of the text is being cut off at the end. Is there any way to change the column height, so that a single table cell can have multiple lines of information being portrayed?
If you are using Grafana v7 you could try using the old table panel from v6 - although the new v7 table panel has some good features, it is missing lots of features that were in the v6 panel.
Edit your panel JSON and change: "type": "table"
to "type": "table-old"
That will change the panel version (you can always change back). That may handle wrapping differently and solve your problems, if not you could try the Sanitize HTML option on a column and then use html tags within your output to format text or insert newlines however you want.
Hey there, i am experiencing the same issue and the problem with our Graphana is we are at v8.3.1 , if we use “table-old” that still doesn’t help, any suggestions?
You have not said why using table-old does not help or what you have tried so it’s going to be difficult for anyone to give further help. Using table-old and the Sanitize HTML options works fine for me. I am using Grafana 8.1.5 currently.
For example, with a MySQL datasource I can do something like this to output HMTL line breaks between values:
SELECT CONCAT(db.val1, ‘ ’, db.val2, ‘ ’, db.val3)
The result being 3 values output in one table cell but on three different lines. Sanitize HTML is the most powerful feature of table-old - you can output any HTML you want and therefore format the table in ways no other built-in features allow. You can build tables with icons, fonts, pictures, colours, styling, clickable links etc.
You have not said why using table-old does not help or what you have tried so it’s going to be difficult for anyone to give further help. Using table-old and the Sanitize HTML options works fine for me. I am using Grafana 8.1.5 currently.
Sorry apologies, but to answer your question - Please see the configuration below
And the Field name “Event Name” is still showing words before “space” where complete sentence is “Clinical Verification Accepted” and it only shows “Clinical”
Let me know if you believe there’s something else i could try, but be sure of it , i am fairly new to Grafana so might need your guidance in terms of setting them up
I don’t know and I don’t think this is a table span issue so I would suggest you start a new topic and give full details of your grafana version, data source, the exact query you are using etc.