Grafana 7 URL Dashboard linking with parameters

Hello all, i’ve recently added an external button to link my dashboard along with the time range, variable values parameters in the URL. However, i am intending to get the URL parameters through my external webserver, so I require to have absolute data that are best to be in epoch timings instead of the relative timings.

For example, from my dashboard, i am able to query the relative time ranges such as
“xx.xx.xx/grafana/?from=now-15m&to=now”, but what i would like to get is

Is there anyway to convert the “now” keyphrase into something more code friendly like the epoch timing? I have also noticed that if i were to click on the “share dashboard” button on the top left, it is able to generate a URL and convert the relative timings to epoch timings.


edit: I have found a link to disable the custom time ranges from disable-unwanted-quick-ranges, however i am still unable to find the “boot.e4836696.js” file