How can I change the threshold colors from config query?

Hi, I have an MSSQL query to load dynamically the threshold values, that is because I have a variable in the dashboard that changes the variable displayed, so I need to change the threshold depending on the variable, right now I can load the threshold values using the transformation type “Config from query results” but I can not assign the colors, I have tried with columns with the color names but nothing happened, so I want to know if someone has an idea about how to manipulate the threshold colors using the transformation “Config from query results”.


Right now I am getting each threshold value in a column, it works, but the colors are the problem, all of them are red and I want to assign a different color for the different thresholds.

grafana gauge 02

Just in case, I am using grafana version
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with this.


Hi @danielgnebackup

thanks for bringing this up. Fiddled with some examples for a few minutes but I’m blocked. This might need to get reported in the repo as a bug / enhancement


I’m trying to solve a similar problem, have you found any solution or has there been any development since?

are there any updates on this problem?


I’m really interested in this topic too but i cannot make it work with 8.2.2. Do we have any updates on this?

Thank you very much


Same here. Any news?

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I have the same issue, my current version is 8.4.3. Any news about changing the threshold colours?

Desired outcome:

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this only works when you configure the value mapping beforehand, there is no way to dynamically set the threshold.