How to build code

i am facing errors while doing npm install for the first time in the code
i have installed all the dependencies in my machine

Follow the instructions for building from source:

If you are developing and making changes, then after following the instructions to yarn install --pure-lockfile, use the following commands:

  • bra run (to run Grafana in development mode with a watcher for the Go code).
  • npm run watch (to build and watch the front end code).

i am facing problems while doing npm install for the first time
i have installed all the dependencies required

@shikhar did you get an error when executing these?

npm install -g yarn
yarn install --pure-lockfile

What error did you get? (Can you paste the error here)

@daniellee i get this error while executing the second command

An unexpected error occurred: “ self signed
certificate in certificate chain”.

Sounds like a problem with your computer or network (it could be a proxy/VPN/firewall problem). Have you tried googling the error? For example, on StackOverflow: