I am trying to build Grafana from source on windows, in order to add some new features at the Grafana version that i am using (https://localhost:3000/t/graph-panel-plugin-development/11104).
I am following step by step the instructions given by Grafana documentation (http://docs.grafana.org/project/building_from_source/).
Firstly i am setting my path accordingly at the directory i have created for my project and i am executing ‘setx GOPATH %cd%’ and ‘go get .github.com/grafana/grafana’. Both commands show me no errors.
Then i am building the back-end by setting my path to ‘cd src/github.com/grafana/grafana’ and executing ‘go run build.go setup’ and ‘go run build.go build’. Again i have no errors from these commands. I am executing ‘npm --add-python-to-path=‘true’ --debug install --global windows-build-tools’ as an administrator and continue building the front-end.
At the beginning, i am trying to execute ‘npm install -g yarn’ and ‘yarn install --pure-lockfile’, but an error comes up for the second command stating the yarn command is not recognizable. After i copy the yarn file from the directory it is installed,.to /github.com/grafana/grafana/ (directory) the command is executed properly.
However, whenever i try to run the ‘yarn watch’ command, the execution of the command never ends (even though no errors are shown).
Is there any configuration that i have to do first in order to run properly this command? Or it might be that i am doing something wrong with the previous ones? Also, would it be possible to skip this command and continue with the other ones? Or is it necessary for building Grafana?
Thank you in advance!
Please if there are other similar questions, let me know!